Supporting the SMEs’ SUstainability and REsilience transition towards Industry 5.0 in the Mobility, Transport & Automotive, Aerospace & Defence, and Electronics ecosystems
The economic crisis caused by the pandemic has led to supply chain problems and strong inflationary pressure, demonstrating the fragility of traditional economic sectors, especially in the manufacturing industry. This turbulent environment urges companies, especially SMEs, to adapt and transform themselves permanently to enhance their competitive advantage in the future.
In this context, 11 European partners joined forces to launch the SURE5.0 project “Supporting the SMEs SUstainaibility and REsilience transition towards industry 5.0 in the mobility, transport & automotive, aerospace, and electronics European ecosystems”, funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe program.
For this aim, the project will foster the adoption and deployment of advanced technologies as well as the consideration of social innovation practices that will facilitate their twin transition (digital and green). The project mobilises EUR 2,6 million in cascade funds addressed to SMEs so they can finance their 5.0 projects.

- Galician Automotive Cluster (CEAGA, Spain)
- Silicon Alps Cluster GmbH (SAC, Austria)
- Fraunhofer IPT (FhG, Germany)
- F6S Network Ireland Limited (F6S, Ireland)
- Asociación de Investigación Metalúrgica del Noroeste (AIMEN, Spain)
- Associazione Nazionale Filiera Industria Automobilistica (ANFIA, Italy)
- Iniziativa Cube (INI, Italy)
- EIT Manufacturing West (EITMW, Spain)
- Tallinna Tehnikaülikool (TalTech, Estonia)
- Athena Research Center/Corallia clusters Initiative Unit (CORALLIA, Greece).