OUR TEAM Our team consists of researchers, Ph. D students and engineers Raivo Sell, Professor of Robotics Head of Autonomous Vehicles research group Mauro Bellone, Prof. Autonomous Vehicles Vladimir Kuts, Ph.D VR Andrew Roberts, Ph.D stdnt Cybersecurity Rahul Razdan Visiting Professor Mohsen Malayjerdi, Ph.D AV Simulations and Validation Martinš Šarkans, Ph.D Automation, Industrial Robotics Krister Kalda, Ph.D stdnt MaaS Heiko Pikner, Ph.D Electronics & Signals Andres Petritshenko, Ph.D Mechanical Engineering, CAD & FEM Toomas Tahves, Ph.D stdnt Multi-agent systems Kaimo Sonk, Ph.D Integrated Product Development Margus Müür Industrial Robotics, PLC Karl Läll Mechanical Engineering Alumni Ehsan Malayjerdi Ph.D – ETIS Junyi Gu Ph.D – ETIS Barış Cem Baykara M.Sc