Estonian first level 4 self-driving vehicle – ISEAUTO

ISEAUTO – the first self-driving vehicle in Estonia implemented at Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) in cooperation with Estonian automotive companies SilberAuto and ABB Eesti. ISEAUTO is a research and educational project on designing and developing a self-driving vehicle. The cooperation and joint development result in a pre-commercial AV shuttle, which can be exploited as a research and educational platform in university and as a commercial vehicle in urban mobility pilot cases. The vehicle uses open-source software and has a modular design, reducing manufacturing costs. The project had its first public demo in September 2018 and has been a success story since then. Spin-off company AuVe Tech was established as a successor of SilberAuto, focusing on developing and manufacturing a commercial version of ISEAUTO. TalTech continues to focus on an open-source version development for research and education.

First public autonomous driving in Tallinn University of Technology 100th anniversary at 17. September 2018 – video

Team of prototype

The full story of the Iseauto project

The objectives of the development, in addition to research, are the following:

  • Future city research and development platform. We offer a service platform for students and companies to use a self-driving car and other smart infrastructure components to develop new and innovative services.
  • Knowledge and competence. One of the project’s goals is to develop competence and know-how at the university level about self-driving cars. As many students are involved, we provide valuable practical experience to future engineers in Estonia. The project also signals students that modern education is provided at TalTech, and students can engage in practical studies in an area of interest.

TalTech iseAuto v2.0

Knowledge and competence

Competence and know-how about autonomous vehicles and self-driving algorithms in the university are developed and valuable practical experience for future engineers in Estonia is provided.

Practical study

The project is an opportunity for students while studying at TTÜ – modern education is provided and students can engage in practical studies in an area of cutting-edge technology.

Smart city

The wider goal of the project is to set up a smart city space along with a self-driving vehicle and a smart infrastructure.



The research group is working on research, development, and implementation of autonomous vehicles, industrial mobile robotics, and smart city testbed. In particular, we work on autonomous driving technologies for self-driving vehicles, simulations and validations in terms of safety, usability and edge case detection, mapping and virtual environment creation based on lidar and camera data from UAVs, smart city testbed development and user experiments in the future urban environment.



Technical parameters

  • 4 istekohta + 2 seisukohta
  • Kiirus tüüpiliselt 10 km/h, max 50 km/h
  • Turning radius 9 m
  • Main motor 47 kW
  • Battery 16 kWh
  • Tühimass: 1250 Kg

Gabariidid (koos lidaritega):

  • Kõrgus 2,4 m
  • Pikkus 3,6 m
  • Width 1500 mm
  • Telgedevahe 2,55 m


  • Peamised lidarid Velodyne x 2
  • Küljelidarid x 2
  • Front safety LiDAR
  • Short distance radar
  • Front cameras x 4
  • Back camera
  • Interior camera


  • Robot Operating System (ROS)

System architecture

Research papers

  • Sell, R.; Soe, R.-M.; Wang, R.; Rassõlkin, A. (2021). Autonomous Vehicle Shuttle in Smart City Testbed. In: Zachäus C., Meyer G. (Ed.). Intelligent System Solutions for Auto Mobility and Beyond (143−157). Springer, Cham. (Lecture Notes in Mobility). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-65871-7_11.
  • Bellone, M.; Ismailogullari, A.; Müür, J.; Nissin, O.; Sell, R.; Soe, R.-M. (2021). Autonomous driving in the real-world: The weather challenge in the Sohjoa Baltic project. In: Hamid, U. Z. A., Al-Turjman, F. (Ed.). Towards Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Highways (229−255). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. (EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-66042-0.
  • Malayjerdi, M.; Baykara, B. C.; Sell, R.; Malayjerdi, E. (2021). Safety Assessment and Simulation of Autonomous Vehicle in Urban Environments. IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering, 1140 (1), #012032. DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/1140/1/012032.
  • Kalda, K.; Sell, R.; Soe, R.-M. (2021). Self-driving Shuttle Bus Use Case in City of Tallinn. IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering, 1140 (1), 012047. DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/1140/1/012047.
  • Wang, R.; Sell, R.; Rassõlkin, A.; Otto, T.; Malayjerdi, E. (2020). Intelligent Functions Development on Autonomous Electric Vehicle Platform. Journal of the Machine Engineering, 20 (2), 114−125.10.36897/jme/117787.
  •  A. Rassõlkin, R. Sell, A. Kallaste, T. Vaimann, Propulsion Drive Topology Selection for Further Development of ISEAUTO Self-Driving Car, RTUCON2018
  • A. Rassõlkin, R.Sell, M. Leier, Development case study of the first estonian self-driving car, iseauto, Electrical, Control and Communication Engineering, The Journal of Riga Technical University Vol14 Is. 1
  • R. Sell, A. Rassõlkin, M. Leier, J. Ernits, Self-driving car ISEAUTO for research and education, June 2018, Conference: The 19th International Conference on Research and Education in MechatronicsAt: Delft, Holland



Master’s thesis


Bachelor’s and diploma thesis 

  • Madala taseme juhtkontrolleri arendus isejuhtivale sõidukile, Elvar Liiv
  • Elektriauto mootori juhtsüsteemi signaalide analüüs ja otsejuhtimise võimaluste kaardistamine, Kirill Tihhonov
  • Choosing distance sensors for TUT self-driving vehicle, Maarjo Mass (EST)
  • Andmeedastuskihi loomine TTÜ isejuhtiva auto kasutajaliidese jaoks, Krista Norak
  • Development and implementation of an optimal navigation system for a self-driving test car, Mohammad Tavassolian


  • LMV Pilot report, Ruxin Wang



TalTech iseAuto v2.0


Piloteerimised Ülemistes ja Kreekas

Iseauto koostöö USAga ja rahvusvaheline meedia

Finest Twins

Brüssel EU Industry Days



Stage IV


  • Kuku Raadio Daily view 09.08.2018

Stage III


  • ERR Terevisioon (26.02.2018)

Stage II


  • Kanal 2 Reporter


Launching a project and signing a contract


  1. Suvereporter
  2. Suvereporter online
  3. Terevisioon (interview with Raivo Sell)
  4. Terevisiooni news
  5. Kofe+
  6. Tallinna TV news kl 20
  7. Tallinna TV news kl 18


  1. Kuku Radio interview with Rector
  2. Kuku radio
  3. Direct radio broadcasting and interview with Raivo Sell
  4. Radio 2
  5. Retro FM
  6. Sky Plus at 9.30 am
  7. Sky Plus at 7.30 am
  8. Sky Plus at 6.30
  9. MyHits at 9.30 am
  10. MyHits at 7.30 am


  1. Postimees online
  2. Postimees online in russian
  3. Postimees Feedback Portal
  4. Delfi Forte
  5. Delfi Forte
  6. Linnaleht online
  7. ERR in russian
  8. Õhtuleht online
  9. Õhtuleht
  10. Õpetajate Leht online
  11. Äripäev online
  12. Arvutimaailm online


  1. Linnaleht (Tallinn, vene keeles)
  2. Linnaleht (Ida-Viru, vene keeles)
  3. Linnaleht (Tallinn)
  4. Linnaleht (Tartu-Pärnu)
  5. Eesti Päevaleht
  6. Õpetajate Leht
  7. Õpetajate Leht
  8. Nelli Teataja
  9. Artikkel Inseneerias