English Courses
- Internet of things for Industry – EMT0140 (master level)
The aim of the course is to develop student’s knowledge about the Internet of Things (IoT) concept focused on industrial applications. Offer practical experience in the design, assembly and use of IoT systems for industry. - Internet of things – MET0330 (bachelor level)
Estonian Courses
- Internet of Things – MET0330
- Autonomous vehicles – MET0310
- Microcontrollers and practical robotics – HPI0630
- Robotics – project – MET0320
- Electrical vehicle – project – MET0350
- Introduction to speciality – EMT0010
Summer School on Practical Robotics with 3D printing (4 ECTS)
Registration and organizing in 2020
Target group
BA and MA students with relevant backgrounds (mechanical engineering, mechatronics, robotics, information technology, etc) or students interested in robotics and programming.
Aims of the course
To give an overview of the use of microcontrollers for robotic applications and CAD modeling with 3D printing for robot mechanical design. To develop practical skills and knowledge of robotics and apply acquired knowledge for practical robotic tasks.
Learning outcomes
- is familiar with microcontroller general architecture and has an overview of practical applications of microcontrollers in mechatronics.
- knows practical microcontroller programming and applications in mechatronics on the base of a chosen microcontroller.
- is able to:
- design and manufacture robot chassis with rapid prototyping technology;
- compose microcontroller based robotic control procedures; compose and solve basic microcontroller procedures for a robotic system;
- compose and solve microcontroller use practical problems and knows how to get support;
- gets to experience in designing, programming and building a robotic system.
The topics include an overview of:
- Design principles;
- CAD systems and rapid prototyping technologies like 3D printing;
- Microcontroller architecture and applications on the base of the chosen microcontroller;
- Microcontroller interfacing with sensors and actuators in a robotic system;
- Practical robot design and CAD modeling;
- 3D printing technologies and preparation for 3D print;
- Teamwork and practical robot building.
General Chair:
Raivo Sell, Ph.D in mechatronics and product development
Principal instructor: Harri Oras
Assistant: Natali Bergman

Principal instructor: Rim Puks
Assistant: Tengiz Pataraia

Principal instructor: Kaupo Raid
Assistant: Erki Meinberg

Principal instructor: Kaupo Raid